Act 2
Chapter 1 (level 23)
Till now, I have not visit the Vault once and my inventory is getting filled up and look like this...
Till now, I have not visit the Vault once and my inventory is getting filled up and look like this...
I basically
sold(NPC) all the weapons and soul shield
It now looks
like this
Then I kept all my costume in f3 since I am pretty sure I will never need them haha Chapter 3
Hakan Necklace acquired: I only equipped the necklace here as the old item give me more crit which means better DPS. If you are dying, change to these, if not feel free to use to old one except for the necklace.
Chapter 8
You get a new sword from story but Blight is a lot better than it still. Just toss it away.
Chapter 19 (lvl 32)
Frostbite Weapon Acquired, toss it.
WW Quest(Raven Feather Fan): The letter may have came early and I missed it. Go to the Ceru/Crimson command post and purchase Raven Feather Fan. You MUST equip your faction uniform. If you have lost your uniform, go buy a new one.
WW Quest(Dragon Bone Inscription): Kill the Golden Deva and acquire the essence and pray for Dragon Bone inscription. Or just buy from the market(F5), which is expensive at this point of time… You can upgrade from Blight Weapon to Golden Deva Weapon too but its not important and skippable cus Scorpio weapon is better at lvl 33.
It took me 36 essence to get 1 dragon bone inscription… Either that was super bad RNG or its just freaking rare. Skip the quest for now if you would like and come back to farm when you are stronger or just buy it if you have the gold.
Do remember to farm with other players if not you are gonna have a badddddd time.
WW Quest(Serpent Calling Bell): Either you craft it if you are in Soul Warden or just buy one from the market(f5).
Main Quest note: Yehara is at 2nd floor if you cant find her.
Level 33 (Scorpio Weapon and Soul Shield)
Level requirement is 33, but you should be at lvl 33 by now just doing yellow quest… Took me 7 essence to get the weapon. Reason for using this Soul Shield(SS) is because of its crit. Took me 8 essence to get the weapon. Big upgrade from Scorpio weapon.
Chapter 20 (lvl 33)
End of Chapter 20, you will get a set of SS, I don’t think there is a achievement for equipping this but, just equip them all once at least to be safe. Keep this as an alternate SS if your are dying much, if not you can use scorpio set still.
Chapter 22 (lvl 34)
Training Invitation Acquired: Not important, just a way for the game to remind you that there is PvP in this game. Check out PvP guide if you are interested in PvP.
Level 36 (Infernal Weapon)
I got to level 36 at Chapter 27. So depending on your level, you can grab this awesome weapon that will last you for quite a bit of time.
You can go f8 and get your infernal weapon now in Tomb of the Exile, same steps at how you get your blight. You can’t start the dungeon though, someone else have to be the leader to start the dungeon.
Chapter 34 (lvl 38)
Triangular Diamond gem acquired. Works the same way as your amethyst gem
Chapter 35 (lvl 38)
Valiant Sword Acquired. Just toss it away, your Infernal should be way stronger.
Chapter 36
Cinderland Reowned Valor’s SS acquired. Equip it for an achievement. Keep it as an alt SS if things get hard.